Plano de Sustentabilidade da Indústria Catarinense

Dr. José Manoel Marconcini


Dr. José Manoel Marconcini was born in Campinas, Brazil, in 1974. He obtained his Materials Engineering degree from Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo, in 1995. MSc Degree was obtained in Physical Chemistry from Federal University of MatoGrosso do Sul in 2001 and PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo, in 2005. During this time he was a visiting researcher at the LACTEC – Instituto de Tecnologiapara o Desenvolvimento working with insulating polymeric materials. Actually, he is working in Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation and he leads R&D projects funded by government in the areas of new uses of agricultural products in plastics, biodegradable polymers, composites, and nanocomposites and participates of the nanotechnology network of Embrapa.

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